Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Twenty

Groups of objects 20

Help your students improve their counting or subitizing skills with this set of counting groups of objects worksheets. This set of two worksheets focuses on identifying groups of 20.

Have the kids examine all of the nine object groups, have them say the number of objects in each group out loud and mark the groups of twenty.

Both with US and UK/AU spelling.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Twenty

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Nineteen

Have your students or kids practice identifying larger groups of objects (they need to identify groups with 19 objects in this set) with this fun set of count and color worksheets.

Explore and count through the 9 groups of objects. Have the students identify and color the groups that have 19 objects in them. This set provides good practice both for visual recognition of number of objects in the group (subitizing) as well as counting.

US spelling and UK spelling included.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Nineteen

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Eighteen

When it comes to basic skills in kindergaren and preschool, identifying groups of objects as well as subitizing are important skills to master. This set of worksheets focuses on identifying a group of eighteen objects. Let the kids count or subitize through the nine groups of objects, and color the groups that have 18 object in them.

This activity will help kids with faster visual recognition (subitizing) of a number of objects in a group.

Both US and UK spelling included.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets Eighteen

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Seventeen

Let the kids count or subitize and single out the groups of seventeen objects. Instruct your young learners to find and color the groups that have exactly seventeen objects in them. This is a great resource to test out subitizing skills as well as counting skills in preschool and kindergarten.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Seventeen

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Sixteen

Identifying groups of objects is an important preschool and kindergarten skills. Help improve it with this set of groups of objects worksheets. Let the young learners count or subitize the groups of object on the activity sheet and single out the groups of sixteen. Let them show their answers by coloring these groups.

2 worksheets included, both with US and UK spelling (color/colour).

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets Sixteen


Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Fifteen

Have the kids either count the objects in all of the nine groups or have them try out their subitizing skills.

These worksheets can help improve both counting skills as well as sense of number of objects in the group.  Since precise coloring is included, they are also great for fine motor skills.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Fifteen

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Fourteen

Help improve your student’s subitizing skills with these identifying groups of  fourteen objects worksheets.

This particular set of worksheets focuses on number 14. There are 9 groups of objects on each sheet (13, 14 and 15 objects) and students have to single out the groups of fourteen and color them.

These worksheets are a great addition to hands on subitizing activities (which are still the best for learning subitizing).

Both in US and UK/AU spelling included.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Fourteen

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Thirteen

Identify groups of thirteen objects and color the groups. These worksheets  will help improve subitizing skills as kids will have to identify groups of thirteen of mostly ordered objects amongst other groups with different number of objects in them.

Subitizing is an skill that preschoolers and kindergarteners should practice. Hands on activities with real objects are still the best way to practice this skill, however once they are good at subitizing real objects, these worksheets make a greatwork addition to subitizing learning.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Twelve

Help improve your student’s counting or subitizing with this set of counting groups of objects worksheets. Have the kids examine all of the nine object groups, have them say the number of objects in each group out loud and mark the groups of twelve.

Two worksheets in the set, both with US and UK/AU spelling.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Twelve

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Eleven

Practice identifying groups of objects of ten with this fun coloring set of worksheets.

Let the kids explore and count through the 9 groups of objects. Have them identify and color the groups that have 10 objects in them.

US spelling and UK spelling included.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Eleven

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Ten

Identifying groups of objects is an important basic skill. This set of worksheets focuses on identifying a group of ten object. Let the kids explore the nine groups of objects, and color the groups that have ten object in them.

This activity will help kids with faster visual recognition (subitizing) of a number of objects in a group.


Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Nine

Count or subitize and single out the groups of nine objects. Instruct your students to find and color the groups that have 9 objects in them. Great activity sheet to practice both counting and subitizing.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Nine

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Eight

Work on identifying groups of 8 skills with these simple worksheets. Let the kids count or subitize the groups of object on the activity sheet and single out the groups of eight. Let them show their answers by coloring these groups.

2 sheets with identify groups of 8 induced, both with US and UK spelling (color/colour)

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Eight

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Seven

Either have the kids count the objects in all of the nine groups or encourage them to try out their subitizing skills.

These worksheets improve both counting skills, sense of number of objects in the group and because of coloring, fine motor skills.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Seven

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Six

Improve your student’s subitizing skills with these identifying groups of objects worksheets. This particular set of worksheets focuses on number 6. There are nine groups of objects (4, 5 and 6 objects) and kids have to single out the groups of 6 and color them.

These worksheets are a good addition to hands on subitizing activities.

Two worksheets that focus on number six are included, both in US and UK/AU spelling.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Six

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Five

Identify groups of 5 objects and color the group. These worksheets  will help strengthen subitizing skills as kids will have to identify groups of four, five and six, and single out the groups with 5 objects in them and color them.

Subitizing is an important skill that preschoolers and kindergarteners should master. Hands on activities with real objects are best to practice this skill, once they are good at subitizing real objects, these worksheets make a good addition to subitizing learning.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Five

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Four

Help your students develop great subitizing skills with these identifying groups of objects worksheets. Let the kids quickly count through the groups of objects of four, five and six and single out the groups of 4 and color them.

These worksheets are a good addition to hands on subitizing activities.

Two worksheets that focus on number four are included, both in US and UK/AU spelling.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Four

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets – Three

Groups of objects 3

Bring your students one step closer to mastering subitizing with this set of counting groups of objects. Let the students examine all of the nine object groups, you can ask them to say the number of object they see in each of the groups out loud. Once they identify the groups of objects of 3, have them color these groups.

Two worksheets in the set, both with US and UK/AU spelling.

Counting Groups of Objects Worksheets - Three