Learn the letter I by solving this set of alphabet worksheets. It includes 8 different pages and is great for kindergarteners as well as preschoolers.
The set includes a lot of tracing, coloring, and writing of the letter I. Each exercise will improve your kid’s pre-writing skills and letter recognition.
On the first page, kids need to identify and color those objects that start with letter I. The second page is tracing the upper and lowercase letters.
On the third page, kids need to find all the “I’s” and “i’s” and circle them with their marker. The next worksheet is a color by letter activity, where the hidden image will reveal after coloring the correct areas.
Continue to the next worksheet where kids need to follow the “letter I” to finish the path out of the maze.
On the next two pages, the emphasis is on uppercase and lowercase letters. Kids need to trace the letters as the guide shows and try to write the letter on their own in the last blank row.
The last worksheet includes 3 simple sentences where kids need to find all the letters I, and color them with their best crayons.