Dragon Movable Paper Doll Template

Fly with the legendary creatures and craft your one in no time. Your kids can color their dragon movable paper doll template however they want. The craft is fun and easy to assemble.

Choose a heavier print paper or construction paper to make this dragon doll craft last longer. If you decide to go with the regular paper, you could also laminate the pieces before assembling them.

Dragon Paper Doll

The set includes a printer-friendly version and three full-color versions (green, purple, and red dragon).

To assemble your dragon, follow the instructions provided on each page of the template.

Punch out the holes from the body and dragon’s wings. Use paper split pins (paper fasteners) to combine the wings with the body and push them through the designated holes. Now string the thread through the two holes that are left and tie.

Your dragon is ready to fly – pull the threads and watch its wings move.

Dragon Movable Paper Doll Template

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